Thursday’s Caption Contest

Congratulations to Dave M! Our guest judge Lynn Bassanese of the Roosevelt Presidential Library chose your caption, as FDR "was a real Navy man and enjoyed an occasional cocktail so we think he would approve of our choice." It's unlikely President Roosevelt would have enjoyed the wartime cocktail being ladled out, though. The original caption … Continue reading Thursday’s Caption Contest

Thursday Caption Contest

Because this contest's photograph came from John F. Kennedy Library, we asked their curator, Stacey Bredhoff, to be our guest judge. So Joyce, say "thank you" to Stacey for picking your caption as the winner. We can't arrange a meeting with Johnny Depp, but we can send you a 15% discount to the National Archives eStore. … Continue reading Thursday Caption Contest

Thursday’s Caption Contest

When I voted to approve appropriations for the country’s highways, I didn’t think I’d have to build them!Last's week winning caption goes to Marc, whose plowman did not expect to have quite such an active role in government. If you thought this looked like a victorious pursuit for these two well-dressed gentlemen, you would be correct. … Continue reading Thursday’s Caption Contest

Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

It was impossible to decide if "Treeus" was funnier than references to Santa or poor drivers, so we asked for assistance from our guest judge Laura Brandt, who manages the Foundation for the National Archives Facebook page. After much agony, she decided that David T's caption held the most humor and historical value. This two … Continue reading Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

This week's winner is Tommy R! His clever caption combines the discoveries of the atomic age with a nifty Latin neologism. Tommy, we'll be sending you a 15% discount for the National Archives eStore. The original caption tell us that "Sister Mary Helene ven Horst, science instructor at Marycrest College in Davenport, Iowa, teaches students … Continue reading Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

Mole in place at the Archives

Researching in original records often provides the researcher with surprises. Usually the surprise takes the form of an unknown letter, a reference to your topic in an unexpected place, or a lead that directs you to a new set of records to mine. Once in a great while, the surprise is something no one could … Continue reading Mole in place at the Archives

Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

Lynn Ansfield, with her short, historically on-the-nose caption took the top honors in the last photo caption contest. Congrats, Lynn, you've won 30% off at the National Archives eStore just in time for the holidays! The Truman Library contains this photo of President Truman receiving a Thanksgiving turkey from members of the Poultry and Egg … Continue reading Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

Today's post comes from National Archives Office of Strategy and Communications staff writer Rob Crotty. We've all seen the commercials talking about sleep number beds, and we here at POH think RJ hit it on the nose. Apparently for this family, nine is their sleep number. As to what this cozy family is actually up … Continue reading Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest

Today's post comes from National Archives Office of Strategy and Communications staff writer Rob Crotty. Ladies and Gentlemen, you have astounded your judge with your caption compositions. Words and phrases like "historical sub-context" and "ingenuity" were used. Also used was the word "shibboleth," which I had to look up. For the uninitiated, it refers to … Continue reading Thursday’s Photo Caption Contest