Today’s post comes from National Archives Office of Strategy and Communications staff writer Rob Crotty.

We’ve all seen the commercials talking about sleep number beds, and we here at POH think RJ hit it on the nose. Apparently for this family, nine is their sleep number.
As to what this cozy family is actually up to, they’re sleeping through the London Blitz, which happened 70 years ago this month. The original caption reads a stark “Southeast air raid shelter.” You can see this photo—and other select photos from the Blitz—on our Facebook page.
This week’s photo was a mail-in from Mary Krakowiak, an Archives employee in College Park, MD, who found what has got to be one of the greatest photo caption photos in the entire National Archives. If you’ve stumbled across a photo ripe for out-of-context captioning, share it with us at
In the meantime, good luck with the photo below. Remember, if your caption wins, we’ll give you 30% off at the National Archives eStore and put your name up in lights on the blog! Good luck!

When Ole Wilbur could swat the fly with his tail, he brought out the big gun to get the job done.
Preparing for the unique mountain combat conditions in Afghanistan, the Army has introduced a unique weapon, code name BIOYA.
“Rocket Mule”–the follow up to Elton John’s “Rocket Man”–wasn’t nearly as successful.
“Big Bertha” the Original
“The recoil will kick your ass!”
“Blinders just haven’t worked with this darn fool mule…”
(sung to the chorus of “Rocket Man”): Rocket mule, burnin’ all the shoes off everone…
Acme Model ASS151A Roadrunner Pursuit Vehicle for customer Wyle E. Coyote.
Is there a meal on this flight?
When your mule is too slow, try our turbo charged adapter!
Are you SURE that this rifle is recoil-less – cause I warn you right now that I’m NOT!
this here electric kooled pony harness with fuel injection.
Pull my hoof.
NRA mascot.
Have gun, will travel.