Although it’s been a while since our last caption contest, these young men are still sitting patiently in class. We had a hard time choosing from the comments here and on Facebook. Would we speak quietly and carry a big ruler? Or should we choose the suggestion from the National Archives in Alaska, that back in her day teachers typed with broken fingers?
Congratulations to Jim H, whose caption in the comments of our Facebook page paid tribute to the late Steven Jobs.
So what were they doing in the days before iPads? According to the original caption this is the “Civilian Conservation Corps, Third Corps Area: typing class with W.P.A. instructor, ca. 1933” (ARC 197144).
Today’s post is something a little different! To celebrate the Clinton Presidential Library’s first collection on the National Archives Flickr Commons page, we’re featuring Socks the cat! This photograph of Socks in a White House decorated for the holidays was too good to pass up.
Give us your best LOL cat-style caption in the comments below!

Bill knocked the ornaments off the tree, not me!
Forget mistletoe, I want that turkey.
These berries have caffeine?!
“If this is the first day of Christmas-do I really get a partridge in a pear tree?”