One man in last week’s picture wasn’t happy, but all your comments made us smile!
Our guest judge is Jackie Budell, an archives specialist who supervises groups of devoted volunteers who are currently processing the Civil War Widows files, an enormous project with thousands of documents that need to be carefully handled–you never know what may be inside the envelopes! The volunteers have found all kinds of documents and objects, including a mole and a tintype.
Congratulations to Roxanne! Jackie approached her judging duties with the care she uses to open an envelope sealed for decades, and chose your caption as the winner. Check your email for a code for 15% off in the eStore.
So what’s really happening here? These are National Archives employees from around 1960, and the original captions reads “War Records Division Gondos, Irvine, Huber, Krauskopf.” It looks like we’ll never know what happened to make Mr. Irvine so very sad….
Today’s photograph features two ladies in honor of Women’s History Month! Put your wittiest caption in the comments below!
“Steppin’ out with my baby,
In jumpsuits, not leotards.
Steppin’ out with my baby,
And the whole nine yards.”
Yeah, Let them stay home and change the dippers
Make that Diapers
Who needs rivets when you have big bullets?!
Spring Fashion Week featured a variety of on trend canvas jumpsuits, accessorized with over the shoulder ammo in this seasons must have metals.
We’ll be back.
Militant feminists, March-ing.
Sisters Louise and Esther Sharpie pioneered the practice of organizing colored pens on ammo belts.
…and who was the guy who stood You up?
They’re all the rage in Paris…
We’re in the army now!
Mavis and Gladys were intent on taking hosting duties of Project Runway back from the Germans.
Precursor to mace, pepper spray, and tazers.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You’d better run, better run, outrun my gun
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
You’d better run, better run, faster than my bullet
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Sclemeel, schlemazel, hassenfeffer incorporated. We’re gonna do it!”
Who told you this was the yellow brick road?
Heigh – ho, heigh – ho, it’s off to work we go.
Oh, the sun beats down and burns the tar up on the roof.
And your shoes get so hot, you wish your tired feet were fireproof.
Patrol the boardwalk, down by the sea,
on a blanket with my baby is where I’ll be.
The bullet serapes and Dutch-inspired bonnets are all the rage at Camp Pendleton.
Mary and Sue corner the black market for mascara and lipstick.
Karen Summers and Beatrice Lange accessorize their WAC uniforms. It wasn’t until recently that Beatrice was recognized as the origin of the term “bling.”
Hilda and Ivy smiled mischeviously as they sneaked off of the firing range, “We know those boys can’t play with their toys without these.”