Today’s post comes from National Archives Office of Strategy and Communications staff writer Rob Crotty.

As we all gear up for the single busiest flying day of the year, let’s remember that flying coach back in 1918 was a slightly less predictable affair, particularly if you were “Lieutenant Kirk Booth of the U.S. Signal Corps being lifted skyward by the giant Perkins man-carrying kite at Camp Devens, Ayer, Massachusetts. International Film Service.”
Many thanks to Elaine Schenot for reminding us just how desperate “Dave” and the rest of us can get when bonus miles are on the line. Elaine, you’ve won 30% off at the National Archives eStore, and our caption contest. Congrats!
To the rest of you, fear not, you’ve got another opportunity this week to take home the (discounted) bacon: we present you with an out-of-context image from our holdings, and you give us your funniest caption. The winner takes home 30% off at our eStore and is immortalized in the annals of our POH blog.

Here’s one for starters:
“Mr. President, this just came in from Turkey.”
President Truman, known for talking turkey, meets his new advisor.
Bess has a neck just like yours.
I know this guy. This is Gov. Dewey. He won the 1948 election. Who’s laughing now Tommy-Boy. No pardon.
The guy holding the turkey: I wonder what’ll happen if I pill this string.
The guy holding the turkey: I wonder what’ll happen if I pull this string.
We have bigger ones than this in Missouri.
“Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble…” Translation: “Boy, oh boy, I could use a Fair Deal of my own about right now!”
Lady holding turkey leg: What big eyes you have.
Guy holding turkey: OOO… A Tom ICK bomb. Yuck.
The governer’s advisors reassured him that this was the best way to reach out to the agricultural constituent: “It’s just like kissing a baby!” The governor, however, wasn’t so sure.
Man holding turkey: Seriously, my political career has come down to holding a turkey for the President?! Really!?
The president visits the first lady, who was hospitalized after her encounter with Lord Voldemort.
Pres. Truman blessing the Thanksgiving turkey, that very shortly will need more than a nurse.
“Isn’t he cute, let’s call him Dewey”
Okay boys, let’s talk turkey.
“The Thanksgiving season is upon us, and, sir, as my illustrious predecessor would have so eloquently told you, ‘The only thing you have to fear is fear itself’…”
November 1948. President Truman pardons Colonel McCormick for his recent headline faux pas.
Guy holding turkey: I worked every weekend for 30 years, and my career highlight is holding a turkey’s butt.
President congratulations woman on miraculous birth of thirty pound turkey. Nation wonders what the government hasn’t been telling them about science funding.
“Mr. President, I’d like you to meet Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin”
Said the turkey to the gentleman holding him, “I beg your pardon!”
The cluck stops here.
Tom Says: ” Eat More Chicken!”
Truman: “I said the BUCK stops here, not a friggin’ turkey!”