Who knew that the “LB” in LBJ stood for “light bulb”? Apparently, quite a few of you! We were buzzing with excitement after reading your captions, and we needed to ground ourselves.
So we turned to our guest judge, Liza Talbot, who is an archivist at the Johnson Presidential Library and the mastermind behind the LBJ Timemachine. (Don’t miss today’s post of wartime footage shot by LBJ himself!)
Congratulations to Steve—Liza thought your caption was electrifying! Check your email for a code to get a 15% discount in our eStore.
So why was the future President looking so concerned? Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson was working to get public power to the people in the Texas countryside. This photo of Mrs. Mattie Malone and LBJ was taken by a photographer for the Austin American-Statesman in May 1941 during LBJ’s campaign for Senate.
Today’s photograph features a couple and a couple of lobsters. Get cracking and put your funniest caption in the comments below!

Around heah, we call these lobstahs!
ABC’s ratings took nearly two decades to recover from the debut of “Steve and Marcy’s Lobster Dinner Hour.” It ranked as the Depression Era’s least favorite program, as voted by listeners.
I wore this hat to honor the lobster’s sacrifice. Don’t they look alike???
We better enjoy these, I feel such a fool with this bib on.
Him: “Oh, Gladys, that’s my zany gal! By “lobster feast” they don’t mean YOU feed THEM…. not matter how much the large one enjoys the popovers.”
“You may look like a Pilgrim, but you don’t have to act like one!”
They gave me the silly bib to wear, but I didn’t get a silly hat!
Miriam was ever so happy that Wanamakers had had a sale on lobster protection head gear. She had just come from her weekly wash and set when Jim told her they were going to out for lobster.
“Shall I call and have them bring you a hammer?”
Now tell me – am I supposed to eat this thing or wear it on my head like I did the pheasant from last night’s dinner?
May I use your hat to put my lobster shell in.
The Lobsterfest Revolution Will Not Be Televised; try your local radio station instead.