Today's post comes from Dena Lombardo, intern in the Office of Public and Media Communications. Red may be the color of passion, but for archivists, “tying the knot” means that later they will be “cutting the red tape.” Archivists come across red tape, faded to various shades, while working with the records. (Photo by Alan Walker, … Continue reading Seeing Red on Valentine’s Day
Author: hparkins
19th Amendment at 100: Women Are First to Protest White House
The 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, but this landmark event was neither the beginning nor the end of the story for women and their struggle for the right to vote. Join us in 2020 as we commemorate this centennial year with 12 stories from our holdings for you to save, print, or share. January’s … Continue reading 19th Amendment at 100: Women Are First to Protest White House
A Declaration for the Rights of Women
Today’s post comes from Ashley Dorf, an intern in the Office of Public and Media Communication. You just spent July 4 celebrating the Declaration of Independence, but have you heard of the Declaration of Sentiments? The Declaration of Sentiments was written at the first women’s rights convention in American history at Seneca Falls, New York, … Continue reading A Declaration for the Rights of Women
Get Ready for #ArchivesJuly4!
We hope to see you at the National Archives Museum at our annual Independence Day celebration! Here’s some tips on how to make the most of your visit. The Museum has extended hours this week--we are open from 10 am to 7 pm on July 3, 5, and 6. Please note: On July 4, we’ll … Continue reading Get Ready for #ArchivesJuly4!
The 19th Amendment at 100: Sharing the Story
This story is cross-posted on the websites of the Library of Congress, National Archives, and Smithsonian's American Women's History Initiative. On June 4, 1919, the U.S. Congress passed a federal woman suffrage amendment and sent it to the states for ratification. It was a thrilling moment for the movement to win the women's vote and the culmination of … Continue reading The 19th Amendment at 100: Sharing the Story
American Archives Month 2018: What advice would you give to someone who wants to work at an archive?
October is American American Archives Month. Rebecca Grandahl, intern in the Office of Public and Media Communications, will be highlighting the work of our staff throughout the month. As children, many people dream of what they'll be when they grow up: an astronaut, a veterinarian, a school teacher, or a world-famous singer. But did you … Continue reading American Archives Month 2018: What advice would you give to someone who wants to work at an archive?
American Archives Month 2018: What’s your favorite tool?
October is American American Archives Month. Rebecca Grandahl, intern in the Office of Public and Media Communications, will be highlighting the work of our staff throughout the month. For today's post, we asked our staff: What's your favorite tool? There are, perhaps, no tools quite like the ones found at the Motion Pictures Preservation Lab … Continue reading American Archives Month 2018: What’s your favorite tool?
American Archives Month 2018: What made you want to work at an archives?
October is American American Archives Month. Rebecca Grandahl, intern in the Office of Public and Media Communications, will be highlighting the work of our staff throughout the month. For today's post, we asked our staff: What made you want to work at an archives? “The mystic chords of memory, stretch… from every… living heart and … Continue reading American Archives Month 2018: What made you want to work at an archives?
A Nuclear Rocket to the Stars
Today's blog post in honor of NASA's 60th anniversary comes from Oliver Manning, an intern in the Office of Public Media and Communications. Join us on Twitter on October 1 for #ArchivesInSpace with @NASAHistory for more NASA history from our holdings. The Saturn V rocket today is best known as the rocket that took Americans to … Continue reading A Nuclear Rocket to the Stars
Happy National Dog Day!
Today's blog post comes to us from Brooke Engerman, summer intern at the Office of Public and Media Communications. August 26 is National Dog Day! To celebrate, we’re sharing some of our favorite pictures of Presidential pooches from the holdings of our Presidential Libraries. Meet Buddy, President Clinton’s chocolate lab. This is Buddy’s official presidential portrait. Talk … Continue reading Happy National Dog Day!