Today’s post comes from National Archives Office of Strategy and Communications staff writer Rob Crotty.

Eve Warner takes the cake as the caption contest conquistador this week. Those of us in the Washington, DC, area who have experienced a spate of power outages over the month can certainly sympathize with the defrosting deluge that occurs when it comes time to clean the cold box.
The actual caption is much more nonplussed. “Three women in bathing suits in front of a waterfall. Newton County., 1942”. It’s a record of the District Courts of the United States, and it’s anyone’s guess why it’s in our nation’s archives (no really, anyone want to guess?).
And while we’re talking about out-of-context photos, let’s have a gander at this week’s photograph. Remember, if you give us the funniest caption, we’ll give you 30% off at the eStore, and the thanks of a grateful nation.

Here’s one to get you started:
“Early adopters of the elevator were rarely on time to meetings above the second floor.”
Inch Worm
Wow, you’d think someone would at least build a Stairway to Heaven…
This early photo gave rise (no pun intended) to the phrases “thinking outside the box” and “climbing the corporate ladder”. The gentleman pictured here is anxiously waiting for the window of opportunity to open.
I think I can!! ….. I think I can!!….. How did they talk me into this????
Darned, I wanted to touch the flag but I am on the wrong building.
In the mid-1920s, public debunkings of the famous ancient “Indian Rope Trick” were great competition for the flagpole-sitters. However, there were some spectacular failures…
Successful social climbing was an X-treme sport, back in the day.
Open door policy? Wish I knew the door was on this side of the office!
I can’t take those Office parties anymore. Maybe they won’t miss me.
Professional stuntman. Please don’t try this at home.
Bill was the thirteenth rope tester for the Acme rope company this week.
The PE rope climb for PS 31 was like no other in New York City.