Victory tastes as sweet as Guinness to Laura B, whose caption referencing both the Irish holiday and the lingo of LOL cats won her 15% off at our eStore. Slainte to you, Laura B!
And for once, the caption to our mystery photo shows things are just as they seem: “A patron of Sammy’s Bowery Follies, a downtown bar, sleeping at his table while the resident cat laps at his beer, 12/1947 (ARC 541905).”
And just as catnip is irresistable to cats, wacky black and white photos are irresistable to us. Put your cleverest caption in the comments below!

OK, kids, that’s a wrap!
Instant Secretary. Here’s one we prepared earlier.
“Yes really dear” , its supposed to help me lose weight.
Wow, that must have been a wild office party!
The plastic industry was well-represented by Polly Esther Wrappe.
Trying on the latest fashions to come through the patent office.
Saran always got wrapped up in her work.
Saran wrap, not Sarah wrap!
Sealed with a smile!
The saran bandit wraps again!
I know Ann Landers said that to spice up our sex life I should greet my husband at the door wearing Saran wrap and nothing else, but I’m still to introverted for that.
shrinkwrap will make me slimmer, right?
as the photo shoot began Doris realized that she should have gone to the powder room beforehand…
Despite efforts not to, Loretta routinely got wrapped up in her work.
They always said I was too clingy.
Bertie lived for fetish night with her fellow florists.
Welcome to our new hands-on workshop “Happiness Through Antisepsis”
She was all smiles until she had to pull herself over the serrated metal edge to get loose.
I know I’m ‘fresh’! I really work at it!
Are you sure no one else will see this picture?
The newest National Archives employee misunderstood President Obamaâs statement regarding transparency of Government Records.
Wheres the bubble wrap when you need it???
The new sex-ed teacher went a leeedle bit too far in making her point.
These OSHA regs are getting out of hand…
“That’s funny! I seem to have lost my leftovers…”
After Laura heard of the impending layoffs, she carried on with a smile on her face and a strong sense of self-preservation.
The first (w)rap artist.