Although we were greatly amused by the suggestions of dam building, weather predictions, and rodent chili recipes, we eventually decided on Amy’s caption, which combined the history of the Cilivian Conservation Corps with the Depression and managed to be funny!
Amy, check your email for your code for 15% off in our eStore!
So…are these Rodents of Unusual Size, groundhogs, or guinea pigs? Actually, they’re beavers. The tail of the beaver on the far left is being held up by a man wearing gloves. The caption for this photo reads: “Civilian Conservation Corps in Idaho, Salmon National Forest: Camp F-167, ‘CCC boys… ready to transplant Beaver from a ranch location where they were damaging crops to a Forest watershed location where they will help to conserve the water supply…’, ca. 1938.”
(Our own Archivist of the United States just blogged about his start at MIT, a school whose mascot is the beaver: “Nature’s Engineer”!)
There are no animals in this week’s photo…but something strange seems to be in the air. Tell us what’s going on in the comments below!

Billy, stop pretending to bring to bring books back. I know you’re obsessed with me but our relationship has to stop.
Come on, Ma ! Your genealogy research can wait until all our chores are done !
Joe Bob, you know those are textbooks. You have to keep them until the end of the school year!
May I help you with that Dewey Decimal ma’am?
Silence of the lambs c.1952: “why…hello Clarice!”
Ma! Can you quit reading our families history and come fix me come blueberry pancakes?
In another instance of domestic entrepreneurship, Myrtle Swendersen has converted the family farm shed into a local lending library.
The Trump people are here to research Obama.
Uh … Miss Abigail, would you come to the hoedown with me next Saturday?
“It’s been 27 years, Jimmy. Just finish the darn term paper so I can give you your diploma.”
“Pardon, Miss Grier, but there’s a fellow out here wants to talk to you. Said he came all the way from the Amazon!”
Did someone call for a plumber?
I ain’t coming in unless I can pay my fines with frying chickens.
Can’t you just Google it?
Quick! Dealing with Zombies — where would that be filed?
A little known fact that before he owned a hotel Norman Bates and his mother operated the local public library. Things did not go well…