How could we choose between captions about skunk cabbage, the effects of fiber, and manly weeping? We asked Mitchell Yokelson, Investigative Archivist at the National Archives and author of books on military history, to look into the matter.
Congratulations to Kim B! After careful investigation, Mitch found your succinct summary of the situation to be the funniest. Check your e-mail for a code for 15% off in our eStore.
What’s really happening here? World War I was sometimes called “The Chemist’s War,” and a mask could save a soldier’s life. The original caption reads “Soldiers trying out their gas masks in every possible way. Putting the respirator to good use while peeling onions. 40th Division, Camp Kearny, San Diego, California, 03/1918″ ?(???111-SC-7045; ARC 530714).
Last week’s photo featured the face, but this week’s photo features the . . . legs. Give us your wittiest caption in the comments below!

Nom, nom, nom….
The originators of the Mile High Club.
To save rubber for the war effort, the Air Force abandoned tires and replaced the landing gear with legs.
That’s my nose you stuck that in.
The early design concept for the Rockettes was slightly flawed.
… YES! ~ I KNOW I was wearing TWO earrings when I came to work this morning !!!
Martha and Claire quickly realized they should have gone with the horse costume instead.
This is not what I had in mind when they said close quarter combat.
“If you want to meet in private next time, pick a bigger plane”.
I told you the pilot was ticklish!
… curtains on the windows, a nice light yellow on the walls, we could really brighten these things up!
“Lost luggage”, my foot!
Being an aviator is one of those jobs that will eat you alive.
Don’t pick your nose!
Do I have something in my nose??
As Margo and Betty dangled helplessly, they considered how to enact revenge after Jake’s little trap door prank. At least, thought Betty, the dress code didn’t permit skirts.
If you think I’m wearing these nice slacks up in here, you’re full of it!
” We have to stop meeting like this!”
Don’t ask! Don’t tell!
John….. Marsha……Johnnn…..Marshaaa…..JOHN……..MARSHA…MARSHA…MARSHA….JOHN…JOHN…..JOhnnnnn….
Worst Halloween costume ever.
There IS more room than in the overhead bins.
Any idea where these leftover parts go?
Peeping through a plane’s engine.
“Here is our new design for a fighter jet to confuse the enemy.”
Remind me again why we call this the “moon hatch?”
Strangely, “Maws,” Speilberg’s first pass at a disaster film which starred a man-eating bomber, just couldn’t get Hollywood execs excited.
“This is the last time we are flying by the seat of our pants!”
Are you sure this is the way to First Class?
Would someone turn off the engine air intake?
You spend all day with your head up what?