Thursday Photo Caption Contest

Martha and Claire quickly realized they should have gone with the horse costume instead.

Who knew that legs emerging from a plane would inspired so many captions about lost earrings, carnivorous aircraft, and close quarter combat? We went straight to the top for this one, and asked Debra Steidel Wall, our newly named Deputy Archivist, to be our guest judge.

Congratulations to Towner B! Check your email for a code to use for a 15% discount to our eStore!

So what’s really happening here? The original caption reads: “Workmen at the Vega aircraft plant, Burbank, California. Two women employees working through the bombardier’s hatch., 08/1943” (ARC 520739)

Did you know that June is National Accordion Awareness Month? (Seriously.) We’ve found the perfect image to celebrate! Put your funniest caption in the comments below.

Your Caption Here!

23 thoughts on “Thursday Photo Caption Contest

  1. Modern day accordian virtuoso and parodist Weird Al Yankovic was inspired by his grandfather, who worked some of the earliest comedy clubs in the country.

  2. “And now the purple dusk of twilight time
    Steals across the meadow of my heart
    High up in the sky the little stars climb
    Always reminding me that we’re apart”

  3. The show is supposed to start at 7:30. I wonder when the crowds begin showing up around this place.

  4. The yard sale was almost complete, just 3 more items to sell and Samuel would head west to entertain folks on the revival circuit.

  5. Yes this our nature honeymoon suite which we rent by the hour. Father Petrov will marry you then play Oh How We Danced On The Night We Were Wed.

  6. Yosef Croce used visual aids when he played his mournful rendition of “Time In a Bottle.”

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