We had a hard time choosing this week between captions that suggested ill-fated monkey-navigated flights or included the phrase “monkey hairdo.”
Finally we turned to a man of impeccable taste, Brian Barth, who is the man behind the art direction and graphic design of the recipe book Eating with Uncle Sam: Recipes and Historical Bites from the National Archives to choose the caption he looked best with the image.
Congratulations to Amy! Check your email for a code for a 15% discount to the eStore. Maybe you’ll even pick up a copy of the recipe book.
So, if this pilot is not actually receiving a simian de-lousing, what is going on?
The original caption reads: With “Jospehine,” squadron pet, as his mascot, Lt. M. W. Carney of Churchlands, Va., prepares to give a new fighter plane just arrived in Africa its test flight., ca. 02/1943.
Today’s photo is firmly grounded and indoors. Give us your best caption in the comments below!

Yes, they are good for you but even MAKING THEM is SOOOOOOOOOOO Boring.
“Dorcas, put that box down! You know you aren’t supposed to be sampling those. Do you remember what happened to Florence in Apple Jacks?”
These women are dreaming that some day their photo will appear on this box of cereal.
“I have no idea what to have for breakfast tomorrow. Come on. Think, THINK!”
Kelloggs innovated thier production facility by developing a number of cloned workers. Unfortunately, the one they cloned had lousey taste in clothes.
“I wish we had some milk.”
Even ‘Dress Like Betsy Ross Day’ failed to cheer up the ladies down at the old Kellogg’s plant.
That is so clever, Bravo Ryan!
“1124, 1125, 1126…. gosh how I hate it when we have to count them….”
âThe lengths some people will go to find a secret decoder ring.â
What did the pilgrims REALLY eat at the first thanksgiving?
Battle Creek Sanatorium’s occupational therapy includes an actual spot in quality control on the new automated corn flakes line.
Laverne and Shirley were considerably less chipper after the Shotz Brewery closed.
Little did Lucy and Ethel know how important this training would be to their future career.
“Irma, I don’t care who designed them. These new uniforms are corny.”
Snap! Crackle! Pop! went the assembly line machine as Gertrude pondered her future in cereal production and development.
“That little cat was here just a minute ago. Tony is such a little baby we can not find him……..yet!”
“If just one more person calls me “flakey”, I can’t be held responsible for my industrial actions!”
While Ethel takes her snack break, Josephine believes no detail unimportant, dusting each and every box.
We enjoy eating Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, but processing them is a boring job though. Probably aren’t getting paid well for it either.
Speed it up, girls, we’re getting a traffic jam here.
Worker 1: Its a K E Double L O Double G good morning to you!
Worker 2: Still got that song stuck in your head, huh?
Worker 1: I don’t know why… but I can’t stop singing it…
Maureen knew the marketing claim that Corn Flakes didn’t cause constipation, but she knew better.
Rosie was upset to discover that her actual war production job was not riveting.
Myrtle held the box, poised and ready, just in case the cameraman made one more bad pun about “cereal” killers.
Betsy regretted putting the special “prize” in the cereal, but it was on its way to Topeka by now.