Are you ready to return to captioning? Can you rewrite history with a humorous twist? Well, we’re back! We’ve been scouring the digital archives looking for the finest photographs. We’re lining up guest judges. We’re setting aside the wacky, the wonderful, and the wordless images from our holdings.
And we’re looking forward to all your entries! The winner receives a 15% discount to the National Archives eStore and our undying admiration.
Here’s our first photograph for the 2012 caption season—put your best caption in the comments below!

Congress passes the balanced budget bill. — Now I know why this was in the pile, just a draft copy
Caption: Catalogers at the National Archives prepare for the transition to electronic records management.
This long vote should cancel out a lot of those little votes.
That lottery ticket’s gotta be in here somewhere…
Keep gluing ladies, I just found something here about a project in Manhattan
The IRS, in a move to cut down paper handling, has contracted with the cafeteria ladies to handle the returns.
The new Congress brought in the cafeteria ladies to make a new kind of scrapple from all the pork they were cutting.
Wait! The recipe calls for chopped pepper not paper.
Whose idea was this fortune cookie thing anyway???
And we’re indentured for how long?
Slowly, Gladys began to understand what the recruiter at the U.S. Mint actually meant when he said she’d be “making lots of money, going from rags to riches.”
In the days of manual shredding, Mabel was a source of great frustration to her coworkers because she had to read each and every piece of information discarded by the censors prior to destroying it.
Ah yes, the secret codes have got to be in these shredded documents somewhere!
Mabel now regreted answering the ad for a job which had promised a “rags to ritches” life.
“The check is in the mail.”