Washington’s Birthday: the Federal Holiday

On February 17, 2025, we'll be celebrating "Washington's Birthday," which is the official title of the federally recognized holiday. Visit the National Archives website to learn more about our records related to George Washington—and other U.S. Presidents. This post was originally published in 2015. George Washington led the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, presided … Continue reading Washington’s Birthday: the Federal Holiday

Happy George Washington’s Birthday!

George Washington led the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, presided over the Constitutional Convention, and served as the first President of the United States. He is known, quite rightfully, as the Father of our Country. Washington was born in Virginia on February 11, 1731, according to the then-used Julian calendar. In 1752 Britain and … Continue reading Happy George Washington’s Birthday!

Inside the Vaults: George Washington and the Paparazzi

Today's post comes from Gregory Marose, an intern in the National Archives Office of Strategy and Communications. America is a celebrity-crazed nation, a place where movie stars, musicians, and even politicians are relentlessly pursued by the paparazzi. But you may be surprised to learn that our national fascination with fame predates Hollywood and the modern … Continue reading Inside the Vaults: George Washington and the Paparazzi

It’s Washington’s Birthday—really

Monday is a federal holiday, but what holiday is it? So many ads on television and in print tell us it's Presidents/President's/Presidents' Day. Images of Lincoln and Washington sometimes accompany these ads. But here at the National Archives, we know it's still officially Washington's Birthday. This year the holiday is actually close to GW's birthday … Continue reading It’s Washington’s Birthday—really