It’s Friday, and it’s time for facial hair! But it’s not entirely clear if Col. Howe qualifies, as his “beard” seems to extend upwards from his neck, skipping his chin entirely. What do you think?

It’s Friday, and it’s time for facial hair! But it’s not entirely clear if Col. Howe qualifies, as his “beard” seems to extend upwards from his neck, skipping his chin entirely. What do you think?
Seems as if “neck beards,” “neards”, or whatever you call them, have been around for quite a while!
Be nice – it was cold and that sweater was a present from his mum!
I’m so tempted to save that to my desktop and start photoshopping his hair tufts coming out from the ends of his sleeves. Doesn’t he just look like that would fit in with his neard?