This week’s winner is PaulO, who won us over with his creepy and vaguely dystopian caption “I am product # 751600.” He wins 30% off a numbered product of his choosing at our eStore.
And if you think this tube is an escape route from child-shaped robots run amok, you would be partially right! This picture comes from the holdings of the National Archives at Kansas City. It’s actually a fire escape from 1924, and the caption tells us it “Drops from second story of brick building; small child is sitting in the end of the tube”–though this does not assure us that it is a human child.
This week’s photo is from America’s Heartland. Let us know what you think could possibly be going on here! As always, the winner recieves 30% off at our eStore.
Here’s a suggestion to get you started, “Myrtle knew a quality tablecloth when she saw it!”
What jokester put glue on the table?!
Yes, I have my eye on the prize!
Ida Mae’s new glasses were not ready in time for the cooking contest.
Yes, yes, I see it! There is a speck of dust there!!!
“She gets frequent apparitions of Queen Elizabeth in the middle of the day”
Margaret never ceased to amaze the other members of the ladies auxiliary with her prowess as a hypnotist of inanimate objects.
Gladys demonstrates the game of Tiddily Winks for the Ladies Auxillary, of course this was just the prototype.
‘I believe I have invented superglue!”
Bertha inspects an entry for the micro-pie contest, amused by its subtlety, at the Modern Ladies Bake Sale.
Placing the table corner locks in the Ladies Hands Free Kitchen demonstration was no small task for Greta.
The hardhearted Mayfield sisters assign Nearsighted Nan the duty of Picnic Ant Inspector.
Sadly, the Willie Wonka inspired scratch and sniff tablecloth’s schnozberries did not smell like schnozberries.
Fed up with Mom’s constant, “Look, but don’t touch!” comments, Susie decides to push the envelope.
Unwilling to admit she knew nothing about “beer pong,” Gladys improvised.
This “time out” punishment is for the birds.
“Wow, this new all natural organic cleaner smells great!”
This scratch & sniff tablecloth is supposed to smell like WHAT?
It was all fun and games at the Women’s Guild bake sale until Rosie got hold of the rum cake and starting doing her chicken impression.
Oh that drug trial it’s called LS…something.
“Roll Jelly Bean,ROLL !”
The annual School For The Blind Pie-Eating Contest provides comic relief to the teaching staff.
After removing the bottle cap with her teeth, Edna endeavored to pick it up with her nose by inhaling mightily.
Rosemary Clooney will star in a remake of the famed “Men who stare at Goats” titled “Women who stare at tables.”
Eskimo kissing a mouse.
Helen is determined to prove to her friends that, yes, her dress does indeed match that tablecloth.
In the back room at the church bake sale, Enid always chose “dare.”
Edith Green’s ‘Minute to Win It’ audition, pushing 10 peanuts across the table with only her nose in under 60 seconds.
Having been caught red-handed eating blueberries from the pie when she was supposed to be working, Doris Mae assumed the position and awaited her impending arrest.
“You’re right! It IS good to the last drop”!
After the annual Cook-Off broke out into what was later dubbed, ” the unfortunate incident,” Madeline, unrepentant , gave herself over to the authorities.
Mary Jane thought “Everybody NOSE I can get this to the other end of the table in 48 seconds flat” .. but said out loud … “Gee whiz, this is fun!” so as not to seem too bold.
“Do you see what I see”?
A nose knows! I invite everyone to smell the secret ingredient in my prize winning cake!
How do I switch my dress pattern for this?