You may have seen some of these beards and mustaches before! The mug shots of prisoners at Leavenworth Penitentiary have been featured here and here. But the images above take facial hair to a whole new level! Staff at the National Archives at Kansas City got together and created Potatriot dioramas (inspired by this post). … Continue reading Facial Hair Friday: Prisons, Potatoes, Pipe Cleaners
Tag: Leavenworth
What’s Cooking Wednesdays: Crimes against butter
The Federal Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, has housed some famous and infamous inmates, such as “Birdman of Alcatraz” Robert Stroud and Machine Gun Kelly. In the early 20th century, the prison took in some less likely felons—violators of the Oleomargarine Act of 1886. How did trafficking in this popular butter substitute become a Federal offense? … Continue reading What’s Cooking Wednesdays: Crimes against butter
Facial Hair Friday: Shiloh and Sideburns
There's something appealing about this pensive photograph of Ulysses S. Grant, from his somber clothes to his wistful gaze. He doesn't seem like someone who saw some of the bloodiest fighting at Shiloh. Unlike many of our other featured Facial Hairs of the Civil War era, Grant's beard is not a runaway avalanche of hair, nor is it … Continue reading Facial Hair Friday: Shiloh and Sideburns