Archives II turns 30

Thirty years ago on May 12, 1994, the National Archives at College Park, MD, popularly known as "Archives II," was dedicated. The 1.8-million-square-foot state-of-the-art facility, located just outside of Washington, DC, provides much-needed space for historically significant holdings of the National Archives.   The National Archives at College Park, MD. (NARA photo by Jeff Reed) When … Continue reading Archives II turns 30

Acting Archivist Trudy Huskamp Peterson

The National Archives History Office is celebrating Women's History Month by featuring past employees. Today's post comes from Sarah Basilion.  Trudy Peterson, 1988. (National Archives Identifier 35810833) Trudy Huskamp Peterson was appointed Acting Archivist of the United States in March 1993, following the departure of Archivist Don W. Wilson, who left to head the new … Continue reading Acting Archivist Trudy Huskamp Peterson