Working at the National Archives: Inside the Ice Cube

Today’s guest post is by Bob Beebe, archives technician at the Federal Records Center in Lenexa, Kansas. Where’s the coolest place to work at the National Archives? The Ice Cube, of course! At the Federal Records Center (FRC) in Lenexa, Kansas, one storage bay stands out from all of the other rooms at our facility. … Continue reading Working at the National Archives: Inside the Ice Cube

Facial Hair Friday: Mustaches and Moral Turpitude

It was a long, hard journey to the United States in the early 20th century, but even a successful voyage did not guarantee that the immigrant would be able to enter or stay. Deportation was a threat. When immigrants were deported, it could be because of serious crime like murder or petty crime like theft. … Continue reading Facial Hair Friday: Mustaches and Moral Turpitude

In their own words: Franklin, Adams, and Vergennes make peace (IId)

This is part of a series, written by Jim Zeender, devoted to letters written by the Founding Fathers in their own words and often in their own hand. Jim is a senior registrar in Exhibits. Shortly after the diplomatic break between John Adams and Count de Vergennes, Adams left for Amsterdam. Once there, he worked … Continue reading In their own words: Franklin, Adams, and Vergennes make peace (IId)