More Than Watergate: The PRMPA

Today’s post on the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (PRMPA) comes from Laurel Gray, a processing intern with the Textual Division at the National Archives in Washington, DC. It is the second of a four-part series on the archival ramifications of the Watergate scandal. President Nixon sits before edited transcripts of his White House taped conversations … Continue reading More Than Watergate: The PRMPA

More than Watergate: The Nixon-Sampson Agreement

Today’s post comes from Laurel Gray, a processing intern with the Textual Division at the National Archives in Washington, DC. It’s the first in a series on the archival ramifications of the Watergate scandal.  This year marks the 50th anniversary of Watergate. Many are familiar with the scandal that resulted in President Richard Nixon resigning … Continue reading More than Watergate: The Nixon-Sampson Agreement

Archives Spotlight: Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum

Today's post comes from Nikita Buley, an intern in the National Archives Office of Strategy and Communications. Happy American Archives Month! Throughout October, we’re running a series of “spotlights” on the many locations that make up the National Archives. Have you done research at a Presidential Library? Unlike the other Presidential Libraries, the Gerald R. … Continue reading Archives Spotlight: Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum