Immigrating While Queer: Part II, The Fight Ahead

June is National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month, which honors the important contributions that LGBTQ+ Americans have made to U.S. history and culture. Visit the National Archives website for more information on our related holdings. Today’s post from Jennifer Halpern is the second in a two-part series looking at the immigration challenges … Continue reading Immigrating While Queer: Part II, The Fight Ahead

Immigrating While Queer: Part I

June is National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month, which honors the important contributions that LGBTQ+ Americans have made to U.S. history and culture. Visit the National Archives website for more information on our related holdings. Today’s post from Jennifer Halpern looks at the immigration challenges faced by queer and gender nonconforming people … Continue reading Immigrating While Queer: Part I

LGBTQ+ History Month: Barbara Jordan

Today’s post comes from Rachel Bartgis, conservator technician at the National Archives at College Park, MD. Barbara Jordan, 10/18/1976. (LBJ Presidential Library, National Archives) Barbara Jordan (1936-1996) was a lawyer, teacher, civil rights leader, lawmaker, and first LGBTQ+ woman in Congress. Born in Houston, in Texas's historically Black Fifth Ward, Jordan was the great-granddaughter of … Continue reading LGBTQ+ History Month: Barbara Jordan

International Archives Week: Accountability, Collaboration, and Diversity #EmpoweringArchives

Today's post comes from Meg Phillips, External Affairs Liaison at the National Archives. The International Council on Archives (ICA) and the entire worldwide community of archivists celebrate International Archives Week from June 7 through June 11. The ICA is fostering a series of discussions this week on the theme #EmpoweringArchives. The goal is to focus … Continue reading International Archives Week: Accountability, Collaboration, and Diversity #EmpoweringArchives

International Archives Week—Charles Sprout: A Civil War Soldier Revisited

This week is International Archives Week #IAW2021, time set aside by the International Council on Archives (ICA) to celebrate the founding of ICA in 1948. This year’s theme is #EmpoweringArchives. Today’s post comes from Bryan Cheeseboro, an archives technician at the National Archives in Washington, DC.   The National Archives has created a short documentary Charles … Continue reading International Archives Week—Charles Sprout: A Civil War Soldier Revisited

Facial Hair Friday: Allen Ginsberg

This June the National Archives is celebrating National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month, which honors the important contributions that LGBTQ+ Americans have made to U.S. history and culture. Visit the National Archives website for more information on our related holdings. Today’s post comes from Thomas Richardson, an archives technician at the National Personnel Records Center … Continue reading Facial Hair Friday: Allen Ginsberg