Today's post comes from Ben Jordi, Public Affairs Specialist in Strategy and Communications, at the National Archives in College Park, MD. Growing up, Clifton Truman Daniel never talked to his grandfather, Harry S. Truman, about his role in the war or the atomic bombings. “Our family met like any other family: on long weekends and … Continue reading Flight of a Sadako Crane
Tag: Hiroshima
Fat Man, Little Boy, A Packet of Jell-O
A search for "Rosenberg" in the Open Public Access system of the National Archives brings up a strange and poignant collection of documents: a passport picture of a family with the mother clutching a tiny infant, childlike sketches of shapes, a smiling couple, and an empty Jell-O box. In September 1949, the White House announced the … Continue reading Fat Man, Little Boy, A Packet of Jell-O