October is American Archives Month! We're celebrating the work of archivists and the importance of archives with a series of blog posts about the Presidential libraries. The records created by Presidents while in office will become part of the National Archives, and eventually will be used by researchers. Here's how it happens! Today’s post comes … Continue reading The Harry S. Truman Presidential Library: The 30-Year Journey
Tag: Harry Truman
Victory! Americans Everywhere Celebrated the End of World War II in 1945
(Today’s post is from Jim Worsham, editor of Prologue magazine, the quarterly of the National Archives and Records Administration, and is based on a longer article in the Summer 2015 issue.) President Harry S. Truman watched the clock closely, wanting to abide by the agreement to make the historic announcement at the same time as … Continue reading Victory! Americans Everywhere Celebrated the End of World War II in 1945
From the Presidential Libraries: Hanukkah at the White House
Today's guest post comes from Susan K. Donius, Director of the Office of Presidential Libraries at the National Archives. Among the gifts from heads of state that are in the holdings of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum is a menorah presented to President Truman by Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion. The … Continue reading From the Presidential Libraries: Hanukkah at the White House
Sometimes an “S” is just an “S”
Today's blog post was written by Tammy Kelly, an archivist at the Harry S. Truman Library. When future President Harry S. Truman was born on May 8, 1884, his parents decided to name him Harry, after his mother’s brother Harrison Young. But what about a middle name? Harry’s parents could not come to a decision—should … Continue reading Sometimes an “S” is just an “S”
Facial Hair Friday: A Letter from Hairy Harry
Today's guest post comes from Tammy Kelly at the Truman Presidential Library. This week’s Facial Hair Friday photo is a most unexpected person: Harry S. Truman, before he became President! At the Truman Library, we know of only two photographs of Truman wearing any kind of facial hair, so this is a rare photo, indeed. … Continue reading Facial Hair Friday: A Letter from Hairy Harry
Facial Hair Friday: A mustache, a funny man, and a President
Julius Henry Marx--better known by his stage name Groucho Marx--passed away on August 19, 1977. He left behind a legacy of humor on stage, radio, and film. I was not able to find to find any images of him in our holdings, which was disappointing as his trademark mustache was a fine candidate for Facial … Continue reading Facial Hair Friday: A mustache, a funny man, and a President
Meatloaf by candlelight? Not for this President.
Like most boys from Missouri, Harry Truman developed simple tastes in food as he was growing up—especially things like his mother's fried chicken and that great American budget-friendly staple, meatloaf. According to the Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri, the 33rd President also liked corn bread with Missouri sorghum, all kinds of fowl, and Ozark pudding, which included … Continue reading Meatloaf by candlelight? Not for this President.